Justyna Papiernik

Head of UX who loves making sense of noise, searching for trends and inspirations, and exploring the humane face of technology. Justyna shares her passion not only within Makimo but also as a lecturer at UEHS, Warsaw, and a co-host of the Let the Tech Out podcast. She writes her own story not only using words and pixels but also brush strokes, seams, knitting stitches, yoga asanas and running miles.

Say hello to MARY – an open-source, multilingual Text-to-Speech Synthesis platform written in Java! Our paths crossed by the courtesy of a friend from one of the Vanderbilt University research teams.

It’s an adventure story about a user interface, its improvements and a path to make everyone’s experience better. Filled with lovely pictures of Mary growing up to become a full-fledged research tool.

You probably keep your personal message centre by your side most of the time. Being the first to know about new offers, best deals and order status is at your fingertips. News floods you via SMS, emails and notifications – you don’t need to hunt them anymore. However, you have a specific stock of attention at your disposal, and sadly – limited power over this resource.

The responsibility for taking a comprehensive, sustainable approach towards technology and placing the good of humanity in the centre of interest lies upon each of us.