Elżbieta Hofman

Elżbieta Hofman is an accomplished Android Developer at Makimo, where she navigates the intricacies of mobile development with a keen interest in Android and Kotlin programming. Passionately considering programming as an art form, she balances technical expertise with a thoughtful eye for aesthetics - both in code and user interface. She shares her wisdom via her blog and LinkedIn, fostering meaningful conversations around team dynamics and innovative solutions.

10 commandments for better designer-developer collaboration

The whole product experience is a cumulative effort of diverse project roles and talents, not a ’rockstar soloist.’ Even though some of them might represent two opposite ends of a spectrum – like designers and developers – they have more in common than one might expect.

Furthermore, they can benefit from both opening up to each other’s perspectives even more and following the same common principles for better teamwork. With that in mind, here are some insights to help improve designer-developer relationships, and hence better product design.