The project handover process is a critical moment in the life of every business. It represents the transfer of responsibility, knowledge, and operational control from one team or individual to another. A successful handover sets the tone for the future of the project, ensuring that the practices developed by the departing team will be continued by the new team. In this article, we will discuss eight essential elements that ensure a smooth transition.


Keep channels of communication open with all parties engaged in the project, including team members, supervisors, clients, and other departments. During the handover process, effective communication helps define roles and responsibilities as well as set expectations on both sides by making sure the departing team understands what is expected of them in preparation for the handover and the new team understands what to expect during the transition. 

In addition, open communication allows all parties involved to express any concerns or ask questions regarding the handover of the project. This open dialogue lets you quickly identify and resolve potential issues, preventing misunderstandings and possible delays. Not to mention that strong communication fosters trust and cooperation between both parties and thus makes the whole process run in a good atmosphere. This could lead to better business partnerships in the future if teams work together again.

Project Handover Plan

Create a clear handover plan that outlines the transition’s tasks, responsibilities, and timelines. Tasks related to the handover should be divided into small sections to promote transparency and efficient delegation. Make sure that each area of responsibility is in line with the person’s skill set and expertise before assigning these tasks to the right team members or parties depending on their knowledge. 

Define the duties of the departing team in terms of creating documentation, exchanging knowledge, and providing the training that is needed. Similarly, outline the responsibilities of the new team, including knowledge absorption, familiarizing themselves with processes, and acquiring required skills. 

Last but not least, be sure to establish clear lines of communication as part of your handover plan. Plan how both parties will share regular updates, meetings, and progress reports.

Project Overview

Give an in-depth summary of the project, including its history, aims, objectives, scope, and any ongoing or pending work. 

From my experience, I can say that some projects can go a long way to ultimately bear no resemblance at all to the initial assumptions. That is why it is important to investigate the historical background to explain project decisions. 

Describe the project’s beginnings, including the early decisions and factors that led to the current state of the project. This perspective gives the project overview more depth and assists stakeholders in understanding the project’s evolution.

Knowledge transfer

Organize knowledge transfer sessions with the new team or individual to offer key insights, best practices, and lessons learned from the project. This can be achieved through training sessions, meetings, or by providing the necessary documentation.

For instance, during the last handover of the project, as a developer in the outgoing team, my team and the other party conducted several workshops with a predetermined agenda. The meetings were cyclical, starting with a general discussion of the project, followed by a detailed discussion of individual processes, and ending with pair programming with the other technical team.

Regular status updates

To keep the receiving party informed of the project’s development, approaching deadlines, and potential risks or obstacles, provide regular status updates.

Projects often encounter unexpected changes or difficulties. Regular updates provide an opportunity to highlight potential risks or obstacles that may arise during project handover, allowing the receiving party to modify its approach and strategy as needed.

In my recent experience, we focused on weekly meetings where we discussed ongoing activities. It was a moment when all present could express their opinion, ask questions, and discuss the problem and the proposed solution.

Regular updates contribute significantly to the success of the handover and the overall project by increasing transparency, collaboration, and effective communication.


Many commercial projects are often not documented due to time and budget constraints. That becomes a problem when a project passes hands between contractors and/or in-house development teams.

Documentation preserves parts of the knowledge and understanding gathered during the project life cycle for future use. While it doesn’t guarantee to be correct at all times, the reader can at least assume that at some point in time essential data, best practices, and lessons learned were valid.

Compared to automated test suites, documentation is better to describe the overarching concepts in the system, all the do’s and don’ts the next team should follow, and should explain why the system is built in the way it has been built.

Detailed documentation decreases reliance on specific individuals for information. This is especially crucial during project handover when key team members can move on. Anyone with access to the documentation can obtain the necessary data, reducing the risk of disinformation caused by staff changes.

Transfer necessary tools, resources, and credentials

Ensure that the receiving party has access to the necessary tools, software, documentation, and resources. This includes access credentials, licenses, and any other materials needed for the project to continue smoothly. It is better to avoid a situation where something stops working because of restricted access or missing tools.

(Post-handover) Support and availability

During the handover process, provide ongoing support and be available to answer any questions or provide guidance as well as offer post-handover support to resolve any concerns or difficulties that may occur after the project is completed.

In my last project, when the handover was announced, my team immediately offered support and availability for any inquiries from the other side. If any questions arose, we were able to quickly answer them or provide the necessary materials. This open and patient approach makes the receiving party feel comfortable asking for assistance, resulting in a more successful handover.

Also, offer post-handover support to address any lingering questions or concerns that may arise after the handover is complete. This assistance can take the shape of extra training, documentation updates, or ongoing support. Extending assistance beyond the handover phase, particularly during the early stages of the new team’s activities, helps to smooth the transition period. 

Contractually, that might require both parties to agree upon a certain number of hours for post-handover support. That amount might be left upon the original project scope or limited on request.


A successful project handover requires thorough preparation, excellent communication, and ongoing support. Continued development is possible thanks to the seamless transfer of responsibilities, knowledge, and resources between the departing and new teams. Both parties ensure — by adopting defined strategies, constant engagement, and commitment to share results — that the transformation becomes an opportunity for growth, not an obstacle. A smooth project handover not only ensures project continuity but also promotes a culture of collaboration and adaptability, which has a long-term impact on project outcomes and team dynamics.

A good project handover process is a key to continued maintenance of a software product…

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Elżbieta Hofman is an accomplished Android Developer at Makimo, where she navigates the intricacies of mobile development with a keen interest in Android and Kotlin programming. Passionately considering programming as an art form, she balances technical expertise with a thoughtful eye for aesthetics - both in code and user interface. She shares her wisdom via her blog and LinkedIn, fostering meaningful conversations around team dynamics and innovative solutions.