🇵🇱 Webinar: AI w chmurze, czy własnej infrastrukturze? 2 kwietnia, godz. 11:00.


Our contributions to the software industry.

Are you a Polish-speaking person interested in the connection between business, AI, and IT?

🇵🇱 Software z każdej strony

Z podcastu Software z każdej strony dowiesz się jak łączą się ze sobą światy biznesu i IT. Software mobilny, webowy i chmurowy; dla startupów i korporacji; szyty na miarę i gotowy. Krótko mówiąc – software z każdej strony. Prowadzi Krzysztof Rychlicki-Kicior.

Or perhaps it’s the human dynamics of technology that piques your interest?

Let the Tech Out

Justyna and Magda are good friends who will get you back down to earth when speaking about tech. Through interviewing experts, they uncover the meaning of technologies that we as a society create and give. By Justyna Papiernik and Magdalena Cichoń.

Do you want to rock your JavaScript skills? Look here.

Rock JavaScript

Hello everyone! My name is Aneta and I am a frontend web developer. Learn with me JavaScript and other frontend technologies! By Aneta Narwojsz.

Programming is not a single language, not a single paradigm. It’s highly context-dependent. Here’s a way to discover it together.

Rules for young programmers

Once you have read them, you will find yourself reading them again and again, finding the wisdom they contain more absorbing and rewarding each time. Curated by Michał Moroz.

Looking for a concrete, rock-solid, Python application template for large applications?

Large Application Template

Large application template following programming rules and standard practices. By Mateusz Głowiński.

And don’t forget – we share our thoughts to the community on Makimo’s blog too!