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IMAGINE 20 years from now. You are in a quarterly meeting discussing the progress of A Certain Strategy Initiative in your company. How would your experience of the meeting change? And how Composable Architecture lets you build this future? Read on in a story that explains what an API is and how it contributes to the digital transformation and acceleration of your business.

Sadly, poorly modeled (mostly due to bad communication, incomplete knowledge transfer, or tight budget) logic inside the monolith usually leads to a so-called big ball of mud where every logical component is coupled with one another on a very low level.

In contrast, what modular monolith offers is loosely coupled, strong cohesion modules that lower the chance that the codebase will become unmaintainable. In the article, Kamil Kucharski, a backend team leader in Makimo describes an example of how to use such an approach in the Django framework.

Say hello to MARY – an open-source, multilingual Text-to-Speech Synthesis platform written in Java! Our paths crossed by the courtesy of a friend from one of the Vanderbilt University research teams.

It’s an adventure story about a user interface, its improvements and a path to make everyone’s experience better. Filled with lovely pictures of Mary growing up to become a full-fledged research tool.