Design & Engineering

Sadly, poorly modeled (mostly due to bad communication, incomplete knowledge transfer, or tight budget) logic inside the monolith usually leads to a so-called big ball of mud where every logical component is coupled with one another on a very low level.

In contrast, what modular monolith offers is loosely coupled, strong cohesion modules that lower the chance that the codebase will become unmaintainable. In the article, Kamil Kucharski, a backend team leader in Makimo describes an example of how to use such an approach in the Django framework.

Say hello to MARY – an open-source, multilingual Text-to-Speech Synthesis platform written in Java! Our paths crossed by the courtesy of a friend from one of the Vanderbilt University research teams.

It’s an adventure story about a user interface, its improvements and a path to make everyone’s experience better. Filled with lovely pictures of Mary growing up to become a full-fledged research tool.